Skin care tips for men – 7 Guidelines for Smart Shave

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skin care tips for men

There are columns and pages filled with tips to beautiful women, what about their male counterparts? No words for them? Their looks are equally important.

In this world of beauty, glamour, and looks men are not left behind; indeed they are and should be equally conscious about their skin. The men’s parlors are flourishing like anything. They are equally eager for facials, bleach, etc.

And why not? Their skin needs as much care as women. The skin of males is up to 20-30% thicker than that of females. Due to hormonal constitution, their skin secrets more sebum (an oily substance that protects the skin). This aided with higher collagen content that makes the skin supple hence slowing down the aging process. That is good news for those who did not know this.

Easy Skin Care Tips for Men

First and foremost, everyone, including males, must recognize and understand their skin type:

  • After using the lotion, sensitive skin may sting or burn.
  • Normal skin is clear and unaffected by environmental factors.
  • Skin that is dry is flaky, itchy, and harsh.
  • Shiny and greasy skin is a sign of oily skin.
  • In certain regions, combination skin is dry, while in others, it is oily.

Take a look at the product labels and ingredients.

 Your skin type will determine which skin care products you use. If you have acne-prone skin, search for “oil free” or “non-comedogenic” cleansers and moisturizers, as these won’t clog your pores. If you have sensitive skin, stick to moderate, “fragrance-free” products, as fragranced goods can irritate and dry your skin. However, be wary of “unscented” products, as many of them include masking perfumes that might irritate your skin.

Cleansing the Face

The market is flooded with a range of face-washes. Altogether they do confuse the customer. It includes water-soluble cleansers, gels, foams, lotions, and cleansing milk that’s the moisturizing agent as well.

Which One is Right for You?

Well, it depends on your skin type, choice, and season. Wiping a cleanser with cotton wool or a foamy face wash both works equally well. While using a wash-off type of cleanser, splash running warm water lavishly. But overuse of scrubs and astringents may cause flaky skin. Use a moisturizer daily. All the year through, use sunscreen with SPF30, it is a must to protect your skin from early aging.


Though it is very boring to shave daily or alternate days. Most men might happily go anywhere if someone can stop the growth of beard by magic. But sorry no one can help you. Beard hair grows at the rate of 0.44mm per day, fastest over the mustache area.

For a Smart Shave

  • Wash the beard area with soap and water.
  • You may shower before a shave to soak water, it aids for a smooth shave.
  • Use shaving cream, soap, or a gel to moisturize the hair. This helps soften hair as well as erect them to enable easy cutting. Foams and creams are best for oily skin. For dry skin use the one with a moisturizing effect.
  • Use a sharp blade; it needs lesser force to shave. Hence avoiding cuts on the skin.
  • Shave in the direction of hair growth, usually in a downwards fashion.
  • Use n after shave cream or gel to soothe the skin. Use the moisturizer in case of dry skin.
  • The blade razors are better than their electric counterparts for a smoother closure shave.

Take care while shaving; don’t get too close or against the direction of hair growth. Else you might end up with ingrown hairs (turned inside, towards the skin). Another important aspect regarding shaving is, don’t ever share blades or reuse blades at a barber’s shop, it transmits a wide range of bacterial, fungal & viral infections.

Though these are generalized guidelines, they may help you a lot for a young and fresh look.

 If you are having trouble dealing with your skin, my best advice is to visit a dermatologist who can work with you to devise a personal skin care regimen.


 M.B.B.S., D.V.D.

Consultant Dermatologist & Cosmetologist

Shree wardhan Complex, Wardha Road, Nagpur.

PH. 9371414245

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