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diaper rash

“Diaper rash is a frequent type of inflamed skin (dermatitis) that occurs on your baby’s bottom as a patchwork of bright red skin. The one who rocks the cradle rules the world”. How true it is. Being a mother is no joke. In fact it’s a hell of a responsibility, but you don’t feel the burden. Everything lightens with your baby’s cute smile. You are responsible for its laughter as well as cry.  Many mother’s might be troubled with your baby’s condition – redness, soreness ,burning & pain in the napkin or diapers area. No matter how much care you take. The problem doesn’t go away. Who is the culprit that makes your darling cry? This article is just for you ! The condition is called ‘diaper rash’ or ‘diaper dermatitis ‘. It implies an inflammatory eruption of the diaper rash. Its common amongst kids of all classes either due to poor hygiene or rampant use of nappies. As “prevention is better than cure” know a few things about it’s causation & prevention the causes may be briefly summed up as: the friction between skin and clothes over thighs, buttocks, private parts waistline initiates the breach leads to erosion. Macerated skin. It not dried immediately. Causes ammonia production & activation of certain enzymes, these enzymes are formed more in babies fed on cow ‘s milk. All this leads to irritate dermatitis that gets secondarily infected with fungus candida & bacteria. The soaps, detergent & antiseptic used to clean the napkins aggravate the condition so they must be removed completely from the clothes while washing the rash is usually seen between the ages of 3 months to a year (may occur even earlier). It manifests as redness over private parts – buttocks, thighs, lower abdomen, upper thighs. Sparing the skin in several cases gives a glazed appearance to the skin which may peel off in sheets. Rarely there may be small vesicles. Erosion or ulcers. 

Symptoms of Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is defined by the following symptoms:

  • Symptoms on the skin Red, tender-looking skin in the diaper area – buttocks, thighs, and genitals — is a sign of diaper rash.
  • Changes in your child’s behavior. You may notice that your baby is more restless than usual, particularly during diaper changes. When a baby with a diaper rash is washed or touched, he or she frequently fusses or cries.


  • Stool and urine irritate the skin. The fragile skin of an infant might be irritated by prolonged exposure to pee or stool. Because stool is more irritating than urine, your infant may be more prone to diaper rash if he or she has frequent bowel movements or diarrhoea.
  • Rubbing or chafing. A rash can be caused by tight-fitting diapers or clothing that rubs against the skin.
  • Irritation From New Product. Baby wipes, a new brand of disposable diapers, or a detergent, bleach, or fabric softener used to wash cloth diapers may cause your baby’s skin to react. Ingredients present in various baby creams, powders, and oils are among the other chemicals that can exacerbate the condition.
  • Infection caused by bacteria or yeast (fungus). What starts off as a simple skin infection can quickly spread across the surrounding area. Because the area covered by a diaper — the buttocks, thighs, and genitals — is warm and moist, it’s an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and yeast. These rashes appear in the skin’s creases, and there may be red spots spread throughout the creases.
  • Skin that is sensitive. Diaper rash may be more common in babies with skin problems such atopic dermatitis or seborrheic dermatitis (eczema). Atopic dermatitis and eczema, on the other hand, afflict areas other than the diaper area with inflamed skin.


Some simple precautions may help to prevent this condition :

Change the nappies / cloths frequently as needed i.e.,     as soon as it gets soiled with urine or stools .use soft  absorbent cotton napkins or disposable ones if that suits you child & off course  your  pocket. Chemicals & antiseptics shouldn’t be used if your child is already having the problem. 


The part should be kept open. Each time you change the diaper. Use water repellent emollients ( a type of moisturizer) like liquid paraffin, zinc or castor cream. Even specially prepared cream for this purpose is available commercially. If the area is wet, clean it with water & apply moisturizing creams. A daily bath with bath oil is advisable. If these measures don’t help you, consult your dermatologist. Your baby may require local application of antibacterial antifungal agent or mild steroid that hastens the recovery. Don’t use any cream that’s available over the counter without consultation. Little bit of extra care & early consultation can prevent or cure the condition at the earliest. It will prevent long cries of your  beloved. After all, it’s the baby’s smile that matters!

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